Squadron Banquet

The York Composite Squadron 301, Civil Air Patrol is proud to announce the 2001-2002, Cadet of the Year,  Cadet Abigail Bollinger.
Cadet Bollinger was presented with this honor at the squadron's 60th Anniversary Banquet on Saturday 1December2001 at the Jacobus Fire Company.
Cadet Bollinger also received the Bart B Baughman Memorial Scholarship and a plaque from SSG Scott Swank, Pennsylvania Army National Guard.
Cadet Bollinger was presented the trophy by 2Lt Kevin Dellicker of the 193rd Special Operations Wing ( guest speaker ).


Squadron 301 Cadets 2LT Dellicker - Guest Speaker
Cadet Bollinger and LT Dellicker Cadet Bollinger and The Baughmans
The 301 Cadet Corp The 301 Cadet Corp


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Last modified: October 13, 2002